
The best time to write post

I was asked this question a while back on one of my other blogs and I must say that I have found that the best time to write blog post is before noon.

Why is this? Well, because most bloggers have a tendency of roaming around the web after the noon hour. It may be a little odd but it is very true.

For those of you who aren’t really that familiar with me, I have a bad habit of writing whatever strikes my fancy and writing it whenever I feel like it.

I am not like most bloggers who only write a certain amount of post during the day or those who only write when they feel that they are in the mood. No, I have a ton of blogs and for different subjects so that I can write about anything that makes me happy for the moment.

Writing blog post is fun and yet it can also be challenging at times. The key is to always write from your heart, don’t lie, don’t make promises unless you can keep them, write often, and make it interesting.

So, the best time to really write blog post is anytime during the day but for most people, this would be before noon.

Writer of The Great Bandit books and author to over 1,000 articles written online and in print. Former worker of Yahoo! and Associated Content. Owner of

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