
One Gals Journey to Living a Normal Life

As you all know, I have a chronic illness. I got significant news a month ago; they came out with a new medication I hadn’t tried. Yay! My doctors, Diana O’Connor, and Rachel Moore out of Oklahoma City, gave me a sample but said they didn’t have many so this would be the only ones they could give me. The migraine shot, Emgality, came with a discount card where you could get it free for twelve months. I sounded the alarms!

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels.com

Fast forward to a month from the time I took it…

My insurance won’t pay it, and they are now saying I’m not on the insurance. Hint, I am. I called them and they gave me a load of crap. I called the doc, and she said she would try to fix it. It never was. The coupon card Emgality gave me won’t pay for the prescription unless I have insurance, and they refuse to pay for it first. I don’t understand why unless Emgality is using this to seek information on insurance companies and their users. Who knows?

Here I need this prescription and I must pay full price IN THE MIDDLE OF A COVID-19 PANDEMIC. The cost of this medication is $700. That is more than most people make in a week, and I don’t have long to produce the money. I’m afraid if I don’t, I will become sick again.

I’m not asking for charity, but I created a plan to get the money. I began listing everything in our home on Mercari. I started sharing and listing more on Poshmark. I am trying to fix my video camera issues so I can post videos on Youtube again. I even did something I wasn’t able to do before I started taking this medication; I started shopping for Shipt and will begin shopping for Instacart once I get another shopping card (I lost mine).

If you want to help, here is what you can do, and it won’t cost you a dime…

  1. Sign up for these accounts. Most give you cool perks for signing up.
    1. Mercari
    2. Poshmark
    3. Shipt : Use code D4E7F3
    4. Instacart : Use code RFlORENCE18129
    5. Postmates : Use code Fl-6uhw
  2. Shop my closets at these spots. I offer free shipping at Mercari and 30% off when you bundle at Poshmark. If you are using an app, look me up @flosposhcloset .
    1. Mercari
    2. Poshmark
  3. Follow me on Social Media Sites click here for my Social Media Accounts.
  4. Share my closets, my Facebook accounts and Instagram pages, this website and/or pages
  5. Visit Rdhayes.com as much as possible. I make a little from ads or sales of products.

I appreciate everything everyone has done for me and I know times are rough right now, but some of these things don’t cost you a thing, or they allow you to do something you were already doing, like shopping and sharing stuff.

I will make another post about the amount I’ve made and how much I still need. This will be a constant thing I do since I must get this amount monthly.

Thank you to all who have offered to help so far and to my future helpers. I appreciate it and so does this worn out body of mine.

Writer of The Great Bandit books and author to over 1,000 articles written online and in print. Former worker of Yahoo! and Associated Content. Owner of RDHayes.com.

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