For as long as I can remember, writing has been my sanctuary. It’s where I escape, create, and make sense of the world. But over the years, I’ve struggled to define what kind of writer I want to be. I love writing fiction—crafting worlds, developing characters, and telling stories that…
Be an Effective Social Justice Warrior
Discover how to be an effective Social Justice Warrior (SJW) by advocating for equality, amplifying marginalized voices, and creating meaningful change. Learn actionable tips and insights..
Books on Writing
I want to try something with this blog and my writing career. Many writers like to give advice. Hell, I like giving advice, especially on writing, but if I\’m honest with myself, my writing advice isn\’t always suitable for everyone and maybe not anyone, but I like doing it so…
Writing Politics into Fiction
As a child, my parents called me ambitious. My classmates called me informative, and teachers called me creative. Personally, I think of myself as someone with a purpose. What is that purpose? Creating a world worth living in. What is the best way for me to do this? Well, I\’m…
Need to Recover Old Blog Post?
Here is something I had not done in a while; I lost my entire blog. As many know, I have Hemiplegic Migraines. These are some of the ugliest migraines a person can have. They affect my entire body and keep me bedridden for days, weeks, and even months. During these…
Avoid Filtering and Improve Your Writing
Guest Post by D K ELLIOTT The characters in your novel are the essence of your story, and you want your reader, your customer, to develop an emotional involvement with the characters. You create involvement of the reader when you bring him into the scenes as a participant in the action.…
Being a Writer with Migraines
You got to love migraines; they come when unexpected, especially while you are trying to be a writer. Nothing is worse than having a pounding headache, unable to see, inability to focus, and yet your mind keeps going back to your writing project. Writing with migraines is a bitch. So,…
List of Subordinating Conjunctions
A subordinating conjunction is a group of words connecting each other or a phrase called a conjunction that introduces a dependent clause, joining it to a main clause. Subordinating conjunctions go with dependent clauses used to redefine or change the focal point of a sentence. Now you know what a subordinating…
List of Subordinating Conjunctions
A subordinating conjunction is a group of words connecting each other or a phrase called a conjunction that introduces a dependent clause, joining it to a main clause. Subordinating conjunctions go with dependent clauses used to redefine or change the focal point of a sentence. Now you know what a subordinating…
Dialogue Tags and How to Use Them
Dialogue tags are words which refer dialogue to a specific character. “Said” and “asked” are two common examples of dialogue tags. “I won’t help her!” said Christina. Dialogue tags are an important aspect of writing. When scenes have several characters, they help determine which character is speaking. Novice writers use…
The Emotional Progression of Scene and Sequel
There are 3 parts to a scene and 3 parts to a sequel before you venture back into a new scene and begin with a new goal. This is the emotional progression of a scene and sequel that every delightful story should follow. Scene: Goal: Every scene should seek out the…
5 Types of Writing
There are five types of writing; narrative, descriptive, expository, persuasive, and creative. These four writing types can overlap each other, and each one has a different purpose. Narrative Writing: This writing recounts personal experiences as a story and always includes characters, a setting, and a plot. An example would be…
Writing Chapter One
Every writer I’ve met has a mentor they either follow or chat with often. The blogs and sites I read keep me in the loop on what editors like and don’t like. They also keep me informed on what is selling and how readers react to what authors are writing.…
Colors and Pattern Master List
Comparisons in a story help create a visual image for readers. If you choose the right comparison, the reader will have an emotional connection with the character while they read. The purpose of this master list is to help you find the right color or pattern to use in your…
Character’s Fears
It’s important to understand your character. The more you understand your character, the easier it will be to write the story. I have listed a few questions to ask about your character. If you’re using Scrivener, you can add this to your character folder and save it in one of…
Character Flaws Master List
Character flaws give the character something to overcome on his way to meet his goal. Character flaws make a character interesting. They are the reason villains are sometimes more interesting than the heroes, and why our heroes have real life struggles. The characters always need a flaw, maybe two or…
10 Basic Tips You Might Have Missed On Blogging
If a site isn’t getting traffic, it’s not going to make you money. People can’t see a site if it’s not put in front of them, or if they see the main page but aren’t clicking beyond it then they aren’t seeing the sites full potential. What it they’re shown…
What Makes a Successful Writer
I have written plenty of articles which I had to research first, but I also know I write my best when I know everything on the subject first. When I know little about the subject, it takes longer to compile the research and write the article. While researching what makes a…
Ultimate Guide to Getting More Google Plus Followers
Have you ever taken advantage of a social media site, to only realize you don’t exactly have the followers you had hoped for? I am always on the lookout for more ways to make money online and one of those ways is by marketing myself, my articles, my products, and…
How to get Amazon Verified Reviews for Little to No Money
There are a lot of Amazon products that go unnoticed due to it not having any verified reviews. It is a lot easier than you think to get Amazon verified reviews; I know this because I have been doing it for a while. There is a site that I love called Fiverr. Fiverr…