Family Life

Down with the Flu but up and running once again

I have had the flu for over a week  now but have finally gotten to where I can write once again. I hate this weather in Oklahoma and can’t wait until Summer gets here once again.

I haven’t been able to write for a while due to my illness and the illness of everyone else in my family coming down with the flu but now that I am over it once again, I will be writing in my blog so I hope that you have all enjoyed reading and will continue to come back for more information.

I am trying to bring my other blogs into this one after realizing how hard it is to manage so many blogs at one time and being a parent while doing all of this can be tough but fun at the same time.

I will be providing tips for better blogging once again and also tips on mastering your writing skills since i know that most of you have sent me messages and left comments saying how much you enjoy the tips on writing.

Well, now that we have got all of this out of the way, I hope that you will continue to enjoy and don’t forget to subscribe to my feed for great information at your finger tips.

Writer of The Great Bandit books and author to over 1,000 articles written online and in print. Former worker of Yahoo! and Associated Content. Owner of

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