
Free blogging platforms

When I first started a blog a few years back, I did something that most newbie bloggers do, I blogged on a free blogging platform. It wasn’t because I was cheap and couldn’t afford it, but instead because I wanted to test the water and see what it was like.

I remember my first real dollar from my blog, it made me feel excited and overwhelmed that people really can make money from their blog. From that day forward, I made it a mission of mine to learn how to use the internet to my advantage using blogs as a main source of income.

I don’t use a free blogging platform since I started doing even better. I bought myself a domain name and had my blog hosted. A domain name sort of get’s you known even more in the blogging world. I don’t know what it is about a blogger who has their own domain name but more people tend to want to know them better.

Does this mean that you should go out and by a domain name and hosting for your blog? Not necessarily. If you remember in the above line, I made my first dollar from using a free blogging platform with no domain name.

My first free blog was on blogger and then a few months later I learned about wordpress. Out of these two I really like WordPress but they do not allow you to sell items or advertise on their blogging platforms. In order to advertise on WordPress you would need to have it hosted through someone else.

There are other free blogging platforms out there that you can use if you are starting out. I would recommend starting one just to see if you like it and to see if you can find different ways to make it work for you. Once you find your rythm, then it would probably be time to purchase a domain name and hosting.

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