
Garry Conn’s LeaderMagic Theme

As most of you know, this blog has been a little under construction. I got a new theme by accident, actually this was a funny story. I was trying to purchase a package of 12 themes that were especially made for blogs and websites, trying to make it big with a niche. The price was awesome since they value these themes at around $50 or more just for one of them. I had recently purchased it off of post at Garry Conn Dot Com but was sent the wrong one by mistake.

I learned a lot from Garry Conn on this day. I learned that he is a real guy and not just another blogger out to make a quick buck. Garry Conn sent me his theme that is on sale which is the one that I am using and after a couple of hours when we realized the mistake, Gary told me to keep his theme. I normally wouldn’t do this since I look at it as stealing even though I had downloaded it but the theme worked great for this blog. I still plan to use the 12 other themes for my other blogs that I am putting up in the near future that is more on the lines of niche marketing.

My last theme was put out by Garry Conn also and I truly adored it. Believe it or not I actually made more money using his last theme than I did using others that I had paid for in the past. Garry Conn’s theme is free to those who wish to subscribe to his blog. After viewing this one I thought that I would give it a shot to see if I could make even more money.

Because of my frustration on setting up this blog I fired away an email to Gary and asked for his advice on a few things. His advice was wonderful, and now I truly get blogging and making money while doing it. I haven’t implemented his advice yet but you should look for this in the near future.

Writer of The Great Bandit books and author to over 1,000 articles written online and in print. Former worker of Yahoo! and Associated Content. Owner of

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