
Getting 1 million back links to your site

I was reading through a post that was put out by Daily blog tips , on the post it was talking about how to get 1 million back links. I kept wondering if this was at all possible. The answer I came up with was a simple, yes.

Now, it takes a lot of hard work to do it, but it might just pay off.

The post had another link in it to the site that had actually gotten the How seomoz built one million links . I went over to the site and noticed that it had a lot of pros and cons about having that many back links to it.

So, what did I learn. I didn’t really learn an entire lot about how I can get 1 million back links, but I learned how to improve my blog and how to get people to notice me.

I will follow their blog from time to time, so I can see if they give a better insight on how they got 1 million back links. I am dying to know.

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