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How to Increase Your Pageviews

Increasing your pageviews is important to your blog or website; you cannot earn any money if people are not reading your content. This post is sharing some ideas that work, and have worked, for years. Some of these ideas are old, some are new.

How to Increase Your Pageviews by Sharing  your posts via social media platforms


Share and share often. I have an account with every social media networking site that I can find. Not all people are going to use every site ever day; some prefer one site over the other. If you sign up for as many social media networks as you can and submit your post/articles to them, you raise your chances of getting more pageviews. It works!

How to Increase Your Pageviews by Targeting Social Media Audiences

I love how a lot of social media networking sites are now allowing its users to use such things as the hashtag; making it easier to find a post on a specific topic. Take advantage of the hashtag or whatever your social media site is using. I write post to targeted audiences and then I use the hashtag when I posting a tweet or to FaceBook; you would not believe how much this has increased my pageviews, likes, and repost or retweets.

How to Increase Your Pageviews by Researching the Topic

No one likes going to web page that is filled with fluff. If you are going to write about something, do us all a favor and do your research first. Not researching a topic can be harmful to an article or blog post. Content that is properly researched gets shared.

How to Increase Your Pageviews Through Proper SEO

If you don’t know how to use proper SEO, then I suggest that you find out. SEO is an important part of writing online. SEO is using the proper keywords in the proper place, but this does not mean that you should spam the crap out of your content with keywords. There is also more to SEO other than just using keywords.

How to Increase Your Pageviews through Interlinking your post

Adding a link to specific keywords in your content back to other content within your web site will also help to get increased pageviews. There are many reasons why interlinking your post is important. One reason is to better optimize your content, another is for bounds rate, and finally, it keeps visitors on your website longer. The longer a person is on your website, the better chance you have of making money from it. Over at Pro Blogger, they discuss this more in dept.

How to Increase Your Pageviews by Showing related post

People have a tendency of reading similar material if it is laid out in front of them. Related post should be at the bottom of the post. The goal of the writer is to keep the readers reading. With related post added to the bottom, you will bring your click-through rate up.

These are just a few tips on how to get more pageviews. I know that a lot of them out there and people are finding news ways to do it every day. If you have a way that’s proven to get pageviews, please share them with the rest of us.

Writer of The Great Bandit books and author to over 1,000 articles written online and in print. Former worker of Yahoo! and Associated Content. Owner of

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