Internet Marketing

Lead Bloggers: Grabbing more Leads by Aaron

If you are leadblogging and want to collect the largest number of leads from your visitors, this article will blog your mind. (Well, at least it will blog your mind.)

Most bloggers who collect email addresses have one offer for people to sign up for their email or RSS list—normally they locate it, sheep like, in the upper right quadrant of their main web page.

Some take it a step further and offer it at the top of their articles—which is a good move.

But the reality is this: The more opportunities you give your readers to join your list, the higher the percentage of them will join your list.

In fact, you not only want to offer then multiple opportunities to join, you want to offer them multiple REASONS to join.

Here’s how you get that done:

First, start by creating a subscribe incentive that applies to your site “generally”—an eBook or some other downloadable incentive that has strong appeal to the niche for your site. Do this first.

Second, each week or so, add another incentive to subscribe based on either specific keyword phrases or specific sections of your niche. Solve a small problem with an online tool or “how to” report and offer it hidden behind a subscriber trap (sometimes called a “squeeze page.”)

An example of a would be the report I offer here:

Over a surprisingly short period of time you not only get many more of your visitors to leave their contact information, you will also find new ways to drive traffic to your site.

This article is a guest post by Aaron Abber of
I am a part of Aaron’s mentoring program where he is teaching me and
others how to make money blogging. Go visit the site now and grab his
free report “How to Retire on 200 Visitors a Day”.

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