
Need Help Getting Your Blog Indexed By Google?

I am here to help you with this one. I learned that when a blog post is not indexed by Google it can actually affect your entire blog.

If you don’t know if Google has indexed your post or not you can go to and type in site:http://(your site url here or post url). Once you have done this you should encounter a page that has your site along with a few links at the bottom of it. Look for the link that says “Cache” and click on it.

After clicking on the link you should be able to see when your last post was cached by Google. If it comes up to a page that says your search did not match any documents that means that it has not been cached. I would like to thank Garry Conn for showing me how to do this through one of his post.

What are your options if your post hasn’t been cached?

This is where I am going to help you. I love writing reviews of other blogs especially because it allows me to become a bigger part of the blogging world. Getting a link from another site to your old blog post will actually help you to become indexed and may even help you to get a better page rank. I have also suggested using this to build up your technorati authority.

If you would like for me to write a review on an older or newer post for you, just leave me a comment and I will check it out and see what I can do. I plan to also show you how you can help yourself to get indexed better through Google in a later post.

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