Blogging - Wordpress

NO-Follow Free WordPress plugin

This was a pretty handy little plugin that I have added. What it does is allows you to strip away the no-follow from your blog so that the links will be back linked from your blog.

Now what I thought was even cooler was that it would allow you to say how many times a person must comment before they are able to get a back link. Mine is 3, so in order to get linked from this blog, you must leave me at least three comments. Come on, it’s not that hard and I have probably left more than that on your blog before.

If you are interested in getting this little plugin for your blog, you can visit the plugin page and get the download along with valuable information that you will defiantly want to know about this plugin. This will take you to the site that will give you the download and tell you how to install it.

Why did I choose to do this? Because I wanted a way to reward my commenter’s, fight spam, and get more comments to my blog. This was just a way for me to do all of this without having to worry too much.

So, go ahead and give it a try and see what you think about it and don’t forget to comment.

Writer of The Great Bandit books and author to over 1,000 articles written online and in print. Former worker of Yahoo! and Associated Content. Owner of

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