• Family Life

    Happy Birthday Autumn

    Happy birthday, Autumn. I hope that today has been a wonderful day for you will lots of presents and the happiest time. I know that school has been tough but you are doing so well and I am proud of you. Someday when you are older, you will understand the…

  • Blogging

    Getting Content for Your Blog

    We all know how frustrating that it can be to want to write but can’t think of anything to write about. I have been there before and so has the many other bloggers in this world. I am always trying to think of things that will help people out and…

  • Blogging

    Blogging to School

    School has started, and this means that there is a larger demand of me as a mother and teacher. I am not a schoolteacher, but a teacher that teaches my children. I took blogging to school one day when I volunteered for my Kindergartner’s class. What I mean by this…

  • Blogging

    Blog Your Way With Sticky Notes

    I know that the internet has come up with some really cool things to help bloggers out like the google notebook and other items that you can add to such browsers as Firefox but for me, there is nothing better than using sticky notes. Yes, you heard me correctly, sticky…

  • Social Media

    World’s Oldest Facebook Member

    Facebook has been a long-time friend of mine since I learned that you could use it to gather information on the web from a personal perspective from others. I often used MySpace to gather information, but when I learned that many more of my associates were on Facebook, I had…

  • Social Media

    World’s Oldest Facebook Member

    Facebook has been a long-time friend of mine since I learned that you could use it to gather information on the web from a personal perspective from others. I often used MySpace to gather information, but when I learned that many more of my associates were on Facebook, I had…

  • Social Media

    World’s Oldest Facebook Member

    Facebook has been a long-time friend of mine since I learned that you could use it to gather information on the web from a personal perspective from others. I often used MySpace to gather information, but when I learned that many more of my associates were on Facebook, I had…

  • Blogging

    Blog Traffic by Editing Your Old Post

    Blog traffic is one of the most important things to a blogger. Without blog traffic your blog would pretty much be a dead sea of topics. In order to get blog traffic there are different methods that you could use and this is only one of them. I use this method of blog traffic to draw attention…

  • Blogging

    Journey to a Top Blogger

    Today I am driving down the road with my family on the long stretch of highway in Oklahoma headed back towards the city after picking the kids up from their grandparent’s house. It has been a long trip but it has also given me time to think about what all…

  • Blogging

    Journey to a Top Blogger

    Today I am driving down the road with my family on the long stretch of highway in Oklahoma headed back towards the city after picking the kids up from their grandparent’s house. It has been a long trip but it has also given me time to think about what all…

  • Uncategorized

    One Year Goal – August

    I started this a little late today and wanted to apologize. I am also going to be changing everything to the first since it is much easier to keep track of everything on a monthly basis so the winner of my contest will be awarded on the first of next month instead…