The other night I sat down to write a post for this blog and I started thinking about what it takes to be a real blogger. Does it mean that you have a million post on your blog or that you have a million readers subscribing to your RSS feed?…
Using StumbleUpon to Make You More Money
One of my favorite guys in the whole world (I’m talking about blogging here) wrote a post a while back and I don’t know how I missed it. Actually I wish I wouldn’t have missed. it. Garry Conn has become widely known in the big bad world of the internet…
Link Chains to drive more traffic
Before you say it, I know what I Am talking about when I say that link chains are nothing but a way to draw more attention to your blog and it may not be the attention that you truly want or deserve. I experimented with link chains when I first…
Need Help Getting Your Blog Indexed By Google?
I am here to help you with this one. I learned that when a blog post is not indexed by Google it can actually affect your entire blog. If you don’t know if Google has indexed your post or not you can go to and type in site:http://(your site url here or post url). Once you have done this you…
I Sound Like Britney Spears
I sound like Britney Spears when I say, oops I did it again. I had a few complications with my blog when I tried to move it from Yahoo! Small Business over to Godaddy. It wasn’t Godaddy’s fault; Yahoo! was the ones with the issues and my hosting account plus…
I Sound Like Britney Spears
I sound like Britney Spears when I say, oops I did it again. I had a few complications with my blog when I tried to move it from Yahoo! Small Business over to Godaddy. It wasn’t Godaddy’s fault; Yahoo! was the ones with the issues and my hosting account plus…
5 Reasons why I may have stopped reading your blog
There are many reasons that people just like me will stop reading your blog. There are a few things that bloggers often do that gets on my nerves even though they may not realize it. Yes, I am speaking to you when I say that I may not be reading…
Down with the Flu but up and running once again
I have had the flu for over a week now but have finally gotten to where I can write once again. I hate this weather in Oklahoma and can’t wait until Summer gets here once again. I haven’t been able to write for a while due to my illness and…
What you should know about keyword stuffing
Keyword stuffing could ruin your blog, and you may not even know it. Keyword stuffing is a term most often used when you are referring to the amount of keywords you are using in a post or article. We also know this as keyword spamming and is something that you should try to avoid at…
Keyword Density: something i learned along the way
I often write for many companies on the web and will often have to use keyword density as part of my writing in order to get it noticed by crawlers such as Google. Keywords is what draws the attention to your page and makes it more search friendly. There are many ways to make…
Submitting your blog to Google
If you were to ask anyone what the top crawler based search engine was, you would probably get the answer, Google. Many people use Google as their main search engine and Google also has many features that consumers can use to help them on the Internet. How do you get…
NO-Follow Free WordPress plugin
This was a pretty handy little plugin that I have added. What it does is allows you to strip away the no-follow from your blog so that the links will be back linked from your blog. Now what I thought was even cooler was that it would allow you to…
The Importance of a Google Pagerank
I recently ran across a question on a blog post that is asked most often by many bloggers. The question came from Silkenhut’s World that asked How important is PageRank to your blog. I will answer this question and then you can leave me your own feedback in the comment area.…
The top 3 tips to making money blogs
These days there are many people finding out exactly what kind of power a blog can hold. There are many people out there quitting their day jobs to take on the blogging career. While blogging can make a large income on the web, how come not too many people know…
Why I set monthly goals and why you should too
Each month, I set a new goal for myself. This goal can be anything but lately it has been more about money for me. This is all due to a new baby arriving in March and the need to become more financially stable. I work as a freelance writer and as most…
What you need to know about being a writer
So, you call yourself a writer and now you are wondering what it takes to be a writer. Well, you have already begun the first step. Believe it or not, anybody can be a writer. They say everyone has at least one book in them. Calling yourself a writer isn’t…
Making Money By Blogging With A Long Term Plan
Quite a few people dream of making money by blogging and this goal is not too farfetched. The important thing is that you need in order to success in this is willingness to work hard and a basic idea of blogging and how it works. However, very few people actually…
I made history on September 25th, 2007
Okay, I didn’t get to be a part of blogging history but I did get to be a part of history for the National day of Remembrance for murder victims with a speech for the fist ever National day of Remembrance. I felt honored to be a part of this history and yet I missed the blogging history mainly…
How to Use Simple Tag and Ping Marketing Techniques
Guest Post By: Titus Hoskins If you’re just heard the phrase ‘Tag and Ping’ and scratching your head in puzzlement — this article may be worth your time. Not that Tag and Ping is some magic marketing formula that will deliver untold riches. It won’t. It is just one more…
Is Yuwie becoming more addictive than Myspace
Yup this is the question that has been on many blog posters minds. So, is it becoming more addictive? has been around for a while now and Yuwie has only been here for a few months but already Yuwie is climbing up in the ranks for a social networking site that…