
Qualities Of A Good Blogger

 By Justin Tsan

How many bloggers actually make a living out of blogging? And how many of these bloggers actually make lots of money from blogging? I guess there is no way anyone can compile a realistic statistic to show us. Generally, the 20-80 rules apply to all industries. That is, 20% of the people will earn 80% of the income generated from those industries. Take it a bit further, 20% of that 20% will earn 80% of the total income of the 20%. I believe the blogosphere should generally follow this 20-80 rule. This is to say that not too many people are really making a decent income from blogging. Steve Pavlina actually advocates 1-99 success ratios. He says that almost any one can start a blog, talent counts for nothing, and the talent that matters most in blogging, which is intelligent, can only get you to the door. So what are the qualities that a good blogger must have in order to ensure his success? I would like to compile my finding and research in this area, which is definitely not exhaustive, but hopefully spur some of you to continue to add on.Quality No. 1 – An Entrepreneurial Mindset A good blogger must have an entrepreneurial mindset. A blog to a good blogger is not only just a blog. It is the beginning of his businesses reaching to the global community. It is like a baby that needs constant attention, constant nurture and update. He spends time looking after it, spending grueling hour into the wee hour of the night to update his posts, making sure his readers have the information they seek. It is definitely not a 9-5 job mentality. 

A good blogger must have an entrepreneurial mindset. A blog to a good blogger is not only just a blog. It is the beginning of his businesses reaching to the global community. It is like a baby that needs constant attention, constant nurture and update. He spends time looking after it, spending grueling hour into the wee hour of the night to update his posts, making sure his readers have the information they seek. It is definitely not a 9-5 job mentality. An entrepreneur dares to take risk, or on the other hand, see that as opportunities. They see the risk of missed gain rather the risk of loss. The greatest risk is not in making mistake that cost, the greatest risk is in the loss opportunities.Quality No. 2 – A Constant Learning AttitudeSteve Pavlina emphasizes that a good blogger must be web-savvy. To be web-savvy doesn’t necessary mean learning all the html languages and become programmer. What it means is that we must be willing to learn the fundamental or the basics of web technologies; after all, blogging business requires internet technologies. A good blogger must have within him this attitude of learning and learning. Learn, learn and learn about web technologies. A simple analogy is we do not need to know how to repair a car like a mechanic in order to drive. But we do need to know the basic of changing the tires, or the batteries, when to change certain parts (and other simple maintenance) to keep our cars in top condition. Steve Pavlina emphasizes that a good blogger must be web-savvy. To be web-savvy doesn’t necessary mean learning all the html languages and become programmer. What it means is that we must be willing to learn the fundamental or the basics of web technologies; after all, blogging business requires internet technologies. A good blogger must have within him this attitude of learning and learning. Learn, learn and learn about web technologies. A simple analogy is we do not need to know how to repair a car like a mechanic in order to drive. But we do need to know the basic of changing the tires, or the batteries, when to change certain parts (and other simple maintenance) to keep our cars in top condition.Quality No. 3 – Have An Income-Generating Strategy And Goal A good blogger will not just start any blog without going through what he actually wants. There must a plan and income-generating strategy. He can’t just ready-fire-fire-fire and then aim, hoping he will get his target. A good blogger is READY-AIM-FIRE. READY is getting a master plan and the income-generating strategy. It can be a simple basic monthly income strategy that says from $0 to a certain amount, how to drive traffic, sources of revenues. AIM is knowing what to do, how to start his blog (web savvy). FIRE is getting the traffic in, generating incomes from advertising, affiliate programs, product sales and/or donation. 

A good blogger will not just start any blog without going through what he actually wants. There must a plan and income-generating strategy. He can’t just ready-fire-fire-fire and then aim, hoping he will get his target. A good blogger is READY-AIM-FIRE. READY is getting a master plan and the income-generating strategy. It can be a simple basic monthly income strategy that says from $0 to a certain amount, how to drive traffic, sources of revenues. AIM is knowing what to do, how to start his blog (web savvy). FIRE is getting the traffic in, generating incomes from advertising, affiliate programs, product sales and/or donation. 

Quality No. 4 – Self-Belief And Perseverance A good blogger believes in himself that he already has the ability to achieve his goal, that he has what it takes to be successful. He never stops believing in himself even when people around him doubted him. He knows the road is less travelled, but he perseveres and patiently continues his journey. 

A good blogger believes in himself that he already has the ability to achieve his goal, that he has what it takes to be successful. He never stops believing in himself even when people around him doubted him. He knows the road is less travelled, but he perseveres and patiently continues his journey. 

Quality No. 5 – Curiosity With Good Knowledge Of Your Subject

A good blogger has a keen sense of curiosity, one that is so needed to continue learning and exploring. It is so necessary for continuous supply of ideas. Couple with creativity, curiosity will bring a good blogger never-ending inspiring ideas and information that make him stands out among the ocean of weblogs. Written skill can be honed, especially if a good blogger has good grasp of his subject matters.

And if writing till the wee hour of the morning for this post can contribute to making me a good blogger, I should deserve some credits.

Written By Justin Tsan – All of us have our learning curves at different phase of our lives. In my blog I share with my readers on my money learning curve. Readers may gain some insight into making money online through my research and earnest desire to share. In the process, I hope to make money online and provide some guide for my readers to do so.

Qualities Of A Good Blogger

 By Justin Tsan

How many bloggers actually make a living out of blogging? And how many of these bloggers actually make lots of money from blogging? I guess there is no way anyone can compile a realistic statistic to show us. Generally, the 20-80 rules apply to all industries. That is, 20% of the people will earn 80% of the income generated from those industries. Take it a bit further, 20% of that 20% will earn 80% of the total income of the 20%. I believe the blogosphere should generally follow this 20-80 rule. This is to say that not too many people are really making a decent income from blogging. Steve Pavlina actually advocates 1-99 success ratios. He says that almost any one can start a blog, talent counts for nothing, and the talent that matters most in blogging, which is intelligent, can only get you to the door. So what are the qualities that a good blogger must have in order to ensure his success? I would like to compile my finding and research in this area, which is definitely not exhaustive, but hopefully spur some of you to continue to add on.Quality No. 1 – An Entrepreneurial Mindset A good blogger must have an entrepreneurial mindset. A blog to a good blogger is not only just a blog. It is the beginning of his businesses reaching to the global community. It is like a baby that needs constant attention, constant nurture and update. He spends time looking after it, spending grueling hour into the wee hour of the night to update his posts, making sure his readers have the information they seek. It is definitely not a 9-5 job mentality. 

A good blogger must have an entrepreneurial mindset. A blog to a good blogger is not only just a blog. It is the beginning of his businesses reaching to the global community. It is like a baby that needs constant attention, constant nurture and update. He spends time looking after it, spending grueling hour into the wee hour of the night to update his posts, making sure his readers have the information they seek. It is definitely not a 9-5 job mentality. An entrepreneur dares to take risk, or on the other hand, see that as opportunities. They see the risk of missed gain rather the risk of loss. The greatest risk is not in making mistake that cost, the greatest risk is in the loss opportunities.Quality No. 2 – A Constant Learning AttitudeSteve Pavlina emphasizes that a good blogger must be web-savvy. To be web-savvy doesn’t necessary mean learning all the html languages and become programmer. What it means is that we must be willing to learn the fundamental or the basics of web technologies; after all, blogging business requires internet technologies. A good blogger must have within him this attitude of learning and learning. Learn, learn and learn about web technologies. A simple analogy is we do not need to know how to repair a car like a mechanic in order to drive. But we do need to know the basic of changing the tires, or the batteries, when to change certain parts (and other simple maintenance) to keep our cars in top condition. Steve Pavlina emphasizes that a good blogger must be web-savvy. To be web-savvy doesn’t necessary mean learning all the html languages and become programmer. What it means is that we must be willing to learn the fundamental or the basics of web technologies; after all, blogging business requires internet technologies. A good blogger must have within him this attitude of learning and learning. Learn, learn and learn about web technologies. A simple analogy is we do not need to know how to repair a car like a mechanic in order to drive. But we do need to know the basic of changing the tires, or the batteries, when to change certain parts (and other simple maintenance) to keep our cars in top condition.Quality No. 3 – Have An Income-Generating Strategy And Goal A good blogger will not just start any blog without going through what he actually wants. There must a plan and income-generating strategy. He can’t just ready-fire-fire-fire and then aim, hoping he will get his target. A good blogger is READY-AIM-FIRE. READY is getting a master plan and the income-generating strategy. It can be a simple basic monthly income strategy that says from $0 to a certain amount, how to drive traffic, sources of revenues. AIM is knowing what to do, how to start his blog (web savvy). FIRE is getting the traffic in, generating incomes from advertising, affiliate programs, product sales and/or donation. 

A good blogger will not just start any blog without going through what he actually wants. There must a plan and income-generating strategy. He can’t just ready-fire-fire-fire and then aim, hoping he will get his target. A good blogger is READY-AIM-FIRE. READY is getting a master plan and the income-generating strategy. It can be a simple basic monthly income strategy that says from $0 to a certain amount, how to drive traffic, sources of revenues. AIM is knowing what to do, how to start his blog (web savvy). FIRE is getting the traffic in, generating incomes from advertising, affiliate programs, product sales and/or donation. 

Quality No. 4 – Self-Belief And Perseverance A good blogger believes in himself that he already has the ability to achieve his goal, that he has what it takes to be successful. He never stops believing in himself even when people around him doubted him. He knows the road is less travelled, but he perseveres and patiently continues his journey. 

A good blogger believes in himself that he already has the ability to achieve his goal, that he has what it takes to be successful. He never stops believing in himself even when people around him doubted him. He knows the road is less travelled, but he perseveres and patiently continues his journey. 

Quality No. 5 – Curiosity With Good Knowledge Of Your Subject

A good blogger has a keen sense of curiosity, one that is so needed to continue learning and exploring. It is so necessary for continuous supply of ideas. Couple with creativity, curiosity will bring a good blogger never-ending inspiring ideas and information that make him stands out among the ocean of weblogs. Written skill can be honed, especially if a good blogger has good grasp of his subject matters.

And if writing till the wee hour of the morning for this post can contribute to making me a good blogger, I should deserve some credits.

Written By Justin Tsan – All of us have our learning curves at different phase of our lives. In my blog I share with my readers on my money learning curve. Readers may gain some insight into making money online through my research and earnest desire to share. In the process, I hope to make money online and provide some guide for my readers to do so.

Writer of The Great Bandit books and author to over 1,000 articles written online and in print. Former worker of Yahoo! and Associated Content. Owner of

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