• Blogging

    Top 10 Blog Traffic Tips

    In every bloggers life comes a special day – the day they first launch a new blog. Now unless you went out and purchased someone else’s blog chances are your blog launched with only one very loyal reader – you. Maybe a few days later you received a few hits…

  • Blogging

    Blog Traffic by Editing Your Old Post

    Blog traffic is one of the most important things to a blogger. Without blog traffic your blog would pretty much be a dead sea of topics. In order to get blog traffic there are different methods that you could use and this is only one of them. I use this method of blog traffic to draw attention…

  • Blogging

    Get Blog Stats For Free

    After wanting to get fast information about my blog traffic I decided to purchase traffic facts from the company that I host my blog at. I paid six months in advance and it cost me around $20 for the entire package. Sounds like a good deal right? Yah, I thought so too…

  • Blogging

    Bringing in traffic

    Traffic has always been an essential part of blogging. Without the traffic or readers, your blog would be nothing. I have discovered a few basic methods that might help you along the way. I hope that you use them because it will help you out with getting more traffic without…