After wanting to get fast information about my blog traffic I decided to purchase traffic facts from the company that I host my blog at. I paid six months in advance and it cost me around $20 for the entire package. Sounds like a good deal right? Yah, I thought so too…
Google Updated Keyword Tool: Good news for bloggers
It was bound to happen and it finally did and boy am I glad to see this. If you don’t know what the Google Keyword tool is, sit back and let me explain. Google Keyword Tool Google keyword tool comes in handy for bloggers and those who like to write for…
Need Help Getting Your Blog Indexed By Google?
I am here to help you with this one. I learned that when a blog post is not indexed by Google it can actually affect your entire blog. If you don’t know if Google has indexed your post or not you can go to and type in site:http://(your site url here or post url). Once you have done this you…