• Blogging

    Get Blog Stats For Free

    After wanting to get fast information about my blog traffic I decided to purchase traffic facts from the company that I host my blog at. I paid six months in advance and it cost me around $20 for the entire package. Sounds like a good deal right? Yah, I thought so too…

  • Blogging

    Submitting your blog to Google

    If you were to ask anyone what the top crawler based search engine was, you would probably get the answer, Google. Many people use Google as their main search engine and Google also has many features that consumers can use to help them on the Internet. How do you get…

  • Blogging

    The Importance of a Google Pagerank

    I recently ran across a question on a blog post that is asked most often by many bloggers. The question came from Silkenhut’s World that asked How important is PageRank to your blog. I will answer this question and then you can leave me your own feedback in the comment area.…