I recently ran across a question on a blog post that is asked most often by many bloggers. The question came from Silkenhut’s World that asked How important is PageRank to your blog.
I will answer this question and then you can leave me your own feedback in the comment area.
I use my pagerank for many things as a blogger and I have a bad habit of checking mine against other bloggers who write in the same field that I write about. I like to blog and I try to do this often. I also do a lot of paid reviews and sponsored post that are on nearly all of my blogs. As a paid blogger, the higher my Google pagerank, the more money that I can make.
So, how important is it to me as a blogger? I guess you could say that i rely on it to get me better blogging jobs and to keep traffic coming back.
I don’t know how many times I have seen people leave comments on blogs just because their pagerank was high or how often I would see someone brag about another blog just to get the attention of a much higher ranked blog.
When your pagerank is at a zilch, you may loose out on more opportunities than what you could have if you had any type of pagerank at all.
Pagerank isn’t just for bloggers, it’s for writers too; or at least writers for the web. If you write for a site that has a higher pagerank, you are most likely to get paid more and get more traffic to your articles.
Anyways, this is my feed on this subject. So, what is your feedback because I really want to know how you feel about pagerank and if it affects the way you blog or comment.