
The power of commenting: Blogging tips

If you don’t comment on other people\’s blogs, you need to ask yourself why.

Commenting can be a very powerful tool for getting the word out about your blog or site. I don’t mean for you to go around spamming sites just so you can have your name and blog all over someone else’s blog.

 Most blogs will allow you to have your blog linked into your name, which can be a powerful tool for you and for the blogger themselves.

 I often visit the people who leave comments on my blog, and especially the ones who have something useful to say about a post that I had written.

 Commenting will also allow other bloggers to see what you offer on your blog.

I usually leave a comment that tells the blogger I agree with what they say or that I liked their post, and I have a similar one on my blog that also explains what they are saying. For those of them that are curious about this, they will click on your name, which will lead them to your blog.

 I also love the blogs that allow others to comment on their blog and get a link back. This is great and I will write a small tutorial on how to get your blog to do this and the benefits to doing it. So, look forward to that post and remember to always comment on the post that you find interesting.

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