
Website traffic secrets

Increasing web site traffic is appealing to all of us who have web pages or blogs, or for those of us who promote affiliate programs. I will be showing you a few ways to increase your web site traffic with out spending a lot of money.

One free way to increase your web site traffic is to create a blog at or to create a lens at Squidoo. Both can be up and running in less than an hour and Squidoo also has a revenue sharing plan. Squidoo can be quite addictive and you can create an unlimited number of lenses. I will discuss lenses a little more in an upcoming article.

Facebook and Myspace also are a good way to advertise your links to the rest of the cyber world. You can post messages to your friends online to assist you in generating more web site traffic.

Another free way to increase your web site traffic is to contribute to popular threads at marketing forums with your web site address in your signature column. Warrior is one of literally hundreds of forums which you can use to promote your site.

You can also place a free ad at the Free Ad Forum and get involved in some of the popular threads their as well.

You can post press releases at PR.web which is one of the more effective ways to promote your web site or product. It is one of the better sites to help you increase your web site traffic.

Writing articles and submitting them to and to name a few of the hundreds of article web sites on the net. Make sure to place your web site address in the authors box. If it is a popular article it will begin to appear on other web sites as well. Your articles are free to use as long as the bio box is left intact.

If you have an email list keep your subscribers up to date once and awhile and make sure your web site address appears in your signature.

You can try out traffic generating sites like Traffic Swarm or Traffic Digger. These sites are also free.

Pay per click ads from Google or Overture also work quite well but make sure you do your homework first. You could end up spending a lot of money if you don’t do proper keyword research prior to bidding on your key words.

These tips if consistently applied should help you to increase your web site traffic in a few short weeks. Good luck and keep me posted on your results.

Guest Post By: Craig Beckta resides in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.

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